New Delhi sources stated that Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman is currently in the captivity of the Pakistani troops. Meanwhile a video of the captured pilot was posted online by Pakistan’s ISI spokesperson. Furthermore one relieving factor is that Pakistan has admitted to having the IAF pilot in their custody. Reportedly the entire nation join their hands in prayer for the safe return of the captive soldier, we do some digging up and find out how the neighbouring country has dealt with such prisoners of war in the past.

Apparently this is not the first instance of an Indian soldier in Pak captivity. Furthermore on earlier occasions, Pakistani Forces have brutally tortured and even killed Indians in their custody. Hence prominent examples of the ruthless treatment include those of Squadron Leader Ajay Ahuja and Captain Saurabh Kalia during the 1999 Kargil Conflict. As per report Ahuja was flying an MIG-21 when his plane was hit by a surface-to-air missile on May 27 during the conflict and this happened when Ahuja was trying to trace a lost MIg-21.

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Moreover this was being flown by Flight Lieutenant K Nachiketa. While on the search operation Ahuja was himself hit by a surface to air missile and he had to eject himself out of the plane. Previously Pakistan had returned Ahuja’s dead body to India which bore two point blank bullet wounds indicating that he was captured alive but was shot after and Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman and another pilot (whose name is yet to be disclosed) reportedly being treated at an undisclosed hospital in Pakistan return home in good health.

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