Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandra Babu Naidu is always a favourite punching bag for all his opponents. Not only his political opponents in Andhra Pradesh but those in Telangana too target him launching blistering attacks on him.

According to the latest TRS leader and Minister Harish Rao, is taking class to Chandra Babu on how to run a assembly in peaceful manner. It is known that Andhra Pradesh assembly witnessed stormy session and now entire oppostion boycotted the session moving no confidence motion against the speaker.

Watching this Harish Rao made fun of the ongoing Andhra Pradesh assembly sessions saying they have become TDP's official assembly session and boasted that Telangana assembly is running smoothly.

Many however say that Harish Rao conveniently forgot the fact that couple of days back Telangana speaker suspended T-TDP MLAS from the house in a partial manner going soft on ruling TRS members.

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