In recent times, there has been a growing trend among parents to enrol their children in nursery schools offering IIT foundation courses even before they turn three. This has raised concerns about children missing out on natural growth and development by engaging in mechanical pursuits at an early age. Addressing this issue, the central government has made a significant announcement.

The government has released new guidelines aimed at regulating the enrolment of children in schools. According to these guidelines, children are now eligible to start their first grade only after reaching the age of six. This directive comes as a response to ongoing complaints about children being admitted to schools at an extremely young age or skipping classes. 

The Union education Department had initially addressed this matter with states and Union Territories last year, aligning it with the new education policy. Under the new policy, the education Department recommends that children should begin their formal education at the age of six. The recent announcement reiterates this suggestion and emphasizes its strict implementation in the upcoming academic year (2024-25). The decision is aligned with the National education Policy (NEP) of 2020, which emphasizes strengthening the foundation stage of education.

 The Right to education Act is also cited in support of this directive. The education Department highlights that completing the first two classes by the age of eight provides children with a solid educational foundation. Consequently, the new guidelines mandate that only children aged six and above can be admitted to the first grade, ensuring a more developmentally appropriate approach to early education.

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