WhatsApp on multiple devices simultaneously!!!

WhatsApp is considered to be the most popular instant messaging app in the world. The company continues to work in terms of features and is now working on some new features. Due to this feature, users will be able to run their whatsapp on multiple devices simultaneously, which is a good news for the users.

As a matter of fact, this new feature of whatsapp has been called Companion Mode. With this, users will be able to sync chat history across multiple devices. This feature is called Companion Mode. With this, users will also be able to link the secondary mobile device to their whatsapp account. For this they will not even need an active internet connection. This is similar to the multi-device support feature but in this, two smartphones can be connected to one device.

Will connect across 4 devices:

At the same time, with the multi-device feature, apart from the smartphone, four different devices can be linked to a single account. WABetaInfo has reported about this. WABetaInfo is a website giving information about the upcoming feature of the messaging app. It has been told in the report that it is going to be easy for the users to link the second phone to the whatsapp account soon.

In this case, you can use a single whatsapp account on two phones. However, users can access the account on desktop, tab and other devices. This feature is currently in the development stage only. When users login to the whatsapp account from a secondary mobile device, their chats are securely copied to the Companion device.

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