AI Is Catching Up To Humans, Exceeds Expected Performance In Several Key Benchmarks: Study

Since 2010, there has been a remarkable 31-fold increase in granted AI patents.

Every single year, Stanford publishes an annual artificial intelligence Index report to address the developments made in a year. A decade back, AI systems were not capable of classifying images or producing texts. It also struggled to comprehend language, grappled with visual reasoning, and failed some basic tests. Today. the scenario has changed drastically and it is now catching up to humans. The latest study reveals how most AI models have exceeded human performance on some standard benchmarks.

As per the report, AI has exceeded expectations in key benchmarks including visual reasoning, image classification, and understanding of English. However, the report adds that AI trails behind in some complex tasks such as competition-level mathematics, planning, and visual commonsense reasoning.

AI is enhancing the productivity and quality of work. In 2023, several reports claimed that AI helped workers in completing tasks quickly and efficiently. The report read, “These studies also demonstrated AI’s potential to bridge the skill gap between low- and high-skilled workers. Still, other studies caution that using AI without proper oversight can lead to diminished performance.”

US, china Lead The Race

The report highlights the leading positions of the US, china, the EU, and the UK in the advancement of top AI models. In 2023, US-based companies produced 61 notable AI models, followed by 21 from the EU and 15 from China. Between 2021 and 2022, there was a significant 62.7 percent increase in AI patent grants globally.

Notably, since 2010, there has been a remarkable 31-fold increase in granted AI patents. china appears to dominate in AI patents, leading with 61.1 percent of global AI patent origins, surpassing the US at 20.9 percent. Over time, the US share in AI patents has declined from 54.1 percent since 2010.

The report added that AI-related regulations in the US are also on the rise if we look at the past five years. In 2016, there was just one AI-related regulation but, in 2023 the number rose to 25. In 2023, the total number of AI-related regulations grew by 56.3 percent.

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