Mutton curries are the perfect indulgence for BakriEid and here are our top 10 picks from across the country. In a spectrum that ranges from fragrant green masala Nilgiri mutton curry to robust and spicy Punjabi style mutton chops – there is something in here for every palate.

Parsi Mutton Dhansaak : Parsi mutton dhansaak is an ideal comfort meal – mutton and lentils cooked to a rich thick curry and served with brown rice.It is simple to make and indulgent to eat. Add some kachumber on the side for a burst of freshness and crunch and make sure you have the luxury to nap after the meal. 

Go Goa - Mutton Vindaloo Bunny Chow : A spicy Goan mutton and potato curry served in a bread bowl. Tender pieces of mutton that literally melt in your mouth and crusty bread to soak up the pungent curry – the fancy way it is served in adds oomph to your eid celebrations. Plus it saves you the trouble of washing up after dinner!

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Nalli Gosht – enough said.

Nalli is one of the most delicious parts of lamb and it just gets better when cooked in this robust masala. Along with steamed rice or just simple rotis, this NalliGosht recipe is a guaranteed hit. Just remember to not use your delicate cutlery while serving this!

Royal Rajasthani Laal Maas This spicy royal Rajasthani curry is not for the fainthearted. Lots of chillies, fragrant spices chunks of mutton cooked in plenty of ghee and infused with the smoky flavor of charcoal. A large mound of rice or some rotis are all you need to make your guests sing praises of your cooking skills.

Kolhapurifataka - Mutton Rassa Kolhapuri style mutton rassa has achieved legendary status and for all the right reasons. Choose between a spicy red tambdarassa or a mild flavouredpandhra or white rassa – both of which are really easy to dish up. This curry served with vade, bhakris or even simple chappatis is a guaranteed hit.

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Nilgiri Mutton Curry : Marinated mutton pieces slow cooked in a green masala till it falls of the bone with the slightest nudge. Plenty of mint and coriander give this curry a fresh vibrant taste which is a welcome change from regular rich mutton curries. Serve with some piping hot steamed rice and a wedge of lime – you will thank us later.

Punjabi Style Mutton Chop : Masala Chops are easily one of the best cuts of mutton and when it is cooked in this spicy Punjabi style kadai masala it just gets better. Mutton chops slow cooked with onions, tomatoes and select spices till the meat slides off the bone. Simple tandoori rotis taste great with this.

Himachali Gosht Rara : This recipe has a double dose of mutton –mutton pieces on the bone and mutton keema, cooked with fragrant spices till it gets a rich brown colour and the oil separates from the curry. It is everything you expect to have in a mutton curry. Serve these up with any kind of Indian flat bread to polish off the masala.

Kerala Mutton Ishtew : A piece of soft fluffy appam dunked into this creamy flavourful mutton stew is what food nirvana is made off. Loaded with veggies and chunks of tender mutton this coconut based stew is a Kerala classic and for all the right reasons.

Bengali Mutton Curry / KoshaMangsho : The Bengalis love this curry with a vengeance and it is perfect if you do not wantto spend eidmorning toiling away in the kitchen. This one too, like most Bengali dishes has got soft mushy potatoes soaking up the flavours of the curry– a win-win situation for everyone!

Also don’t forget to take a look at these fabulous biryani recipes to add to your dawat.

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