Protest against the Taliban's decision?...

Women's rights activists in afghanistan demonstrate against the Taliban in the streets of Kabul. The Taliban recently made it mandatory for women to wear the burqa. women have opened a front in protest against the Talibani decree. Have taken to the streets to protest the new burqa decree.

Taliban had issued a decree

Under this decree, it has been made mandatory for women to wear a burqa in public. The Taliban have imposed many restrictions on women in the past as well. In which restrictions like traveling alone, co-ed education are included. The Taliban has also issued a decree for men to wear clothes under Islamic law.

Taliban threatens to shoot

Threatening to kill women protesting Taliban's Tughlaqi decree. In a statement issued by the Taliban, it has been said that up to 30 rounds can be fired. The Taliban's intimidation of social workers is being criticized all over the world. Despite the threat, women took out a march on the streets of the capital on tuesday and demanded justice.

Most women in afghanistan wear scarves

A woman protesting said, 'The Taliban is treating us harshly.' They told us that if we go one step ahead, they will fire 30 rounds at us. On 7 May, the Taliban issued an order saying that women must wear the burqa in public places. Most Afghan women tie a scarf on their head. However, in urban areas like Kabul, many women do not wear a burqa.

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