Miraculous: Woman Gives Birth On An Emirates Flight!!!

You must have heard incidents of a woman giving birth to a child in an ambulance, on the road or in a moving train, but a pregnant woman on a flight going from tokyo to dubai has given birth to her child during the flight itself. This woman got delivery pain during the journey. On this, the cabin crew of the aircraft got it delivered. After this, after reaching dubai airport, a health check-up of both mother and child has been done.

The journey was 12 hours long

The Emirates airlines flight took off from Narita international airport in tokyo, the capital of Japan. This flight lands at dubai international airport after flying for about 12 hours throughout the night. On flight number EK319, this woman started having stomach pain during the middle of the journey. The female air hostess involved in the cabin crew helped the woman, from whom she gave birth to her child during the flight itself.

The flight reached dubai on time

According to a CNN report, despite the medical emergency of the woman's delivery, the flight did not get delayed and landed at dubai international airport on time. According to Emirates airlines officials, the condition of both mother and child was stable at the time of their arrival in Dubai. She was handed over to the local medical staff, who took her to the hospital.

Airlines allow 7 months of pregnant to fly

Most airlines do not allow pregnant women to fly after a certain period of their pregnancy. Despite this, however, cases of childbirth on flights are not uncommon. Such cases keep coming to the fore. In the policy of Emirates airlines, a pregnant woman can fly till the seventh month of her pregnancy. However, this permission is given only if there is no medical problem in the womb.

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