Mohandas Karamchand gandhi was killed by Nathuram Godse on january 30, 1948, at Delhi's Birla House. The movie gandhi Godse - Ek Yudh, which imagines a world in which Godse fails to assassinate mahatma and the latter decides to confront him, is released in 2023, exactly four days before the same day. On paper, the conflict that follows sounds intriguing (and contentious). But does the 2 hours, 20 minute movie live up to its intriguing premise? Let's investigate.

After ten years, rajkumar santoshi is making a comeback as a director. His last film, Phata poster Nikla Hero, was not as successful in drawing audiences to the theatres as Ajab prem Ki Gazab Kahaani was. Given that Pathaan, Shah Rukh Khan's comeback movie, is also coming out around the same time, he is returning with a movie that is probably only going to appeal to a specific group. Making a movie about the father of the Nation's assassin and imagining a world in which the former is still alive, has forgave the person who attempted to kill him, and chooses to spend time with him in order to better understand him and engage in an ideological conflict would present a number of challenges.

Godse represents a person who desires a "akhand Hindu rashtra" and feels that a particular community is upsetting the peace. gandhi, on the other side, stands for unification and is depicted as a man who wants peace to prevail in the country. He believes that Gandhi's death-bed fast and the necessity of India's submission to pakistan are to blame. This is the reason why people in charge had to provide Rs 55 crore to a country that was preparing to attack India. The Bhagwad Gita is demonstrated to be followed by both, yet their interpretations of its lessons are so dissimilar that they represent opposing ideological poles.

The knowledge that santoshi possessed was necessary to make a film about a subject that was so delicate. He simply combines the two beliefs without stirring up any debate or division. Do any of them ultimately succeed? They learn more about themselves and each other as they identify one other's weaknesses. gandhi is not the mahatma and Godse is not the antagonist in the movie; rather, they are humanised with their own strengths and weaknesses. The plot is oversimplified as a result of this treatment, which also causes the movie to become somewhat sanctimonious and uninteresting.

In terms of the acting, both Chinmay Mandlekar and deepak Antani are sincere in their portrayals of gandhi and Godse, respectively. The script, on the other hand, is disappointing. A number of characters, particularly those that were added in the second half of Gandhi's gramme swaraj effort, are reduced to being mere caricatures. Ishtiyak Khan's performance made me feel the most depressed.

In their efforts to support their positions, deepak Antani's gandhi and Chinmay Mandlekar's Godse repeatedly emphasise the same point. While the latter is a Hindu rashtra, the former seeks peace. It is too naive and diluted to believe that debates and eye rolls will modify deeply ingrained views that may lead one guy to attempt to assassinate a national leader or another to sit for an indefinite fast in a matter of days. Additionally lacking was the conviction needed to pull off a movie of this calibre.

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