Myths about epilepsy on international Epilepsy Day...?

While many people have a general concept of epilepsy, there is still a substantial information gap regarding the disorder and its impact on people's life. The shocking reality of epilepsy and seizures is one that is frequently ignored. On this international Day of Epilepsy Awareness, let us remember that epilepsy is more than just sporadic seizures; it can have a significant impact on a person's physical, mental, and emotional health. 

In an interview, Dr. Pankaj Agarwal, Senior Consultant Neurologist and Head of the Neurology Department at Global Hospitals in Parel, Mumbai, stated, "Because of this ignorance, people with epilepsy may face stigma and discrimination, which will make their daily lives even more difficult. people with epilepsy may receive delayed or ineffective therapy if there is little knowledge about the disorder. Our goal is to dispel misinformation about seizures and epilepsy. He debunked the misconceptions about epilepsy and seizures.

Myth 1: Very few people have epilepsy Fact: Millions of people in the nation suffer from epilepsy, a common neurological condition. Its development is known to be influenced by a number of factors, including brain malformation, head injury, brain infection, stroke, brain tumor, Alzheimer's disease, and genetic susceptibility. It frequently affects individuals of all ages. 

Myth #2: Seizures and epilepsy are interchangeable terms. Fact: Temporary disruptions in the electrical activity of the brain cause seizures. Seldom will anyone have a seizure at some point in their lives. It's crucial to remember that epilepsy is not always indicated by a single episode. The neurological condition known as epilepsy is characterized by recurring seizures. 

Myth #3: Convulsions, or shaking and jerking fits, are invariably brought on by epilepsy. Fact: There are different types of seizures, and each has its own set of symptoms. These could include jerky movements, twitching or spasms, and weakness or rigidity in the muscles. Non-motor symptoms can also manifest as absence of movement, altered sensation, emotions, thinking, or cognition, or periods of intense staring.

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