BREAKING..! Warning that the theaters will be closed..!?

The incident has created a sensation as the theater owners have warned that the theaters will be pulled down and closed down, insisting on various demands. The general body meeting of the tamil Nadu theater and Multiplex Owners Association is currently being held at a private hotel in Vadapalani, Chennai. Regarding this general committee meeting, it is said that the problem of the main reasons for the continuous closure of theaters in tamil Nadu is being discussed. theater owners have also expressed fear that due to the continuous closure of theaters, the business situation in tamil Nadu has deteriorated. Also, there is a problem with terms, i.e. in films that are released, producers are charged too much for individual theaters and too little for big theaters.
Because movies released in theaters are released in OTT within 28 days, people do not like to come and watch movies in theaters, so a request has been made to increase the time period for a movie to be released in OTT to 8 weeks. A request has been made on behalf of the members present in the general committee that if this is not implemented, the theater will be pulled down and closed. Later, regarding these demands, the former Chairman of the theater Owners Association, Tirupur Subramanian, who spoke among the members, said that we cannot say that we will close down the theater like this.The theater owners, who are dissatisfied with the closure of many theaters in succession, say that there is no compromise on the OTT issue alone, so what kind of decision will be taken in today's General assembly has created huge expectations.

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