On Monday, march 4, at LB Stadium here, cm Revanth reddy gave appointment letters to 5,192 recently hired lecturers, teachers, constables, and medical personnel. The government extended employment offers to up to 543 degree college instructors, 1,463 junior college instructors, 2,632 trained graduate teachers (TGT), 479 police officers, and 75 medical personnel. After the congress administration took office barely three months ago, the telangana chief minister asserts that 30,000 people had been given work possibilities.

"This is not a propaganda or publicity piece. Our goal is to gain the faith and confidence of the state's young unemployment rate, which stands at lakhs. In front of an appreciative audience, he declared, "More events of this kind will be planned in the future to inspire and give confidence to the unemployed."

Studied in govt school, says Revanth

The chief minister acknowledged that he was educated in government schools and thanked his instructors. He said, "I am the chief minister today only because of the education my teachers gave me while I was a student in a government school."

Teaching is a socially responsible job. In addition to education, they must impart to young minds the skills necessary to live moral lives and uphold social responsibilities. Talking about drug addiction, appropriate contact, and inappropriate touch should be promoted, he stated.
He continued by saying that people made fun of him a lot for his bad English. In nations such as China, Germany, and Japan, english is not widely spoken. They converse in their native tongue instead. english is a language, he said, adding, "And these are developed [ed nations, competing with the world in every sector." Finding a job anywhere in the globe is much easier with this talent.

Kodangal to get model Gurukul school

Chief minister Revanth reddy, who represents kodangal as an assembly seat, inaugurated the opening of a model Gurukul school, highlighting the need to teach students effective communication skills.
The chief minister provided more information, stating that the school, which would cost Rs 150 crore and span 25 acres, will have an integrated campus catering to the needs of SC, ST, and minority populations.
"Every kilometer, we will establish a single-teacher school, every three kilometers for primary schooling, every five kilometers for upper primary schooling, every ten kilometers for high schooling, every Mandal center for junior college, every constituency for degree college, every revenue division for engineering colleges, and every district for medical colleges," the speaker declared.

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