The singapore University of technology and Design (SUTD) and the international Institute for Management Development (IMD) have partnered to produce the IMD Smart City Index, which is a ranking of the world's smart cities.
The current infrastructure and wallet PLATFORM' target='_blank' title='digital-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>digital services available to residents were evaluated as part of a global study to identify smart cities. The study relied on variables related to residents' perceptions of and interactions with government efforts in five main areas: mobility, opportunities (work and education system), governance, activities, and health and safety.
Switzerland's Zurich is ranked #1 again this year. Since 2019, the city has ranked highest on the list. All 10 of the world's smartest cities—except singapore and Canberra, Australia—are in Europe.

Following is the list of top 10 smart cities in the world

Switzerland’s Zurich
Norway’s Oslo
Australia’s Canberra
Switzerland’s Geneva
Denmark’s Copenhagen
Switzerland’s Lausanne
United Kingdom’s London
Finland’s Helsinki
UAE’s Abu Dhabi

Hyderabad ranks on the list of smart cities
When it comes to indian smart cities globally, delhi is ranked first. It now ranks 106th overall, down one spot from the previous year. mumbai is the second-best smart city in India. On the worldwide list, it is ranked 107, up two positions from the year before.
Hyderabad, which is ranked 111th globally and fourth in India, has risen five points from the previous year's list of smart cities. This year's list includes 142 cities in total.

List of smart cities in India


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