Reasons behind cm Jagan's silence about the attack..!?

-The real strategy behind cm Jagan's silence is different.
-Accusations without evidence are not right in the current situation.
-Jagan has plans to turn the negative incident into a positive one.

Leaders of all political parties reacted to the attack on ap cm YS Jagan. Some leaders reacted positively while some leaders reacted negatively. But jagan has not made any comment about this attack incident so far. But it is noteworthy that comments are being expressed that the real strategy behind cm Jagan's silence is different. If jagan makes a comment expressing doubts about any party, there are chances that ycp fans will target the leaders of that party. Who is the attacker on the other hand? It is known that the correct answers have not been found so far. jagan seems to think that making accusations without evidence is not right in the current situation.
 It is being reported that cm jagan is also afraid that if he makes allegations and finds out that the allegations are not true, there is a possibility of increasing opposition to the party. The comments show that jagan has plans to turn the negative incident into a positive one. cm jagan has decided that if he wants to come back to power in the state, he should talk as little as possible about this incident. The majority of the surveys are in favor of ycp but it has been proved in many cases that the voter polls are not accurate predictors. It seems that jagan plans to increase the support for ycp among the voters after announcing the ycp manifesto soon. It is being reported that jagan thinks that ycp will come back to power in the state with Botaboti's majority as the public response to the Memanta Saarat bus Yatra is huge.

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