A wanted thug from Gurugram, haryana, is one of the two gunmen seen on CCTV footage firing bullets outside bollywood actor salman Khan's mansion in mumbai early on Sunday, according to reports. vishal rahul is a mobster who shoots gangster Rohit Godara, who is a member of the lawrence Bishnoi gang.
Anmol Bishnoi, the brother of imprisoned mobster lawrence Bishnoi, took credit for the attack in a social media post hours after the gunfire outside salman Khan's Galaxy Apartments home and claimed it was only a 'trailer'. Vishal, a Gurugram native who completed class 10 education, was engaged in several thefts and homicides in Haryana. More than five criminal charges have been filed against him in delhi and Gurugram.

The thug from Gurugram was recently implicated, at lawrence Bishnoi's request, in the murder of a bookie in Rohtak. CCTV footage of the event shows vishal shooting something. The bookie's mother was shot during the firing.
According to reports, vishal was also implicated in a murder that occurred on february 29 at a dhaba (roadside eatery) in Rohtak.
On Monday, a team from the delhi Police Special Cell went to Vishal's Gurugram home to search.
Numerous teams from the delhi Police, Crime Branch, and Special Cell have started their investigations in response to the gunshots outside salman Khan's home. Since the shooter's affiliation with the state came to light, the haryana Police have also opened an investigation.


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