YS sharmila, the president of the andhra pradesh congress, submitted her nomination today. Suneetha reddy, the daughter of YS Vivekananda reddy, went with sharmila after she was nominated. sharmila is running from the kadapa constituency for the mp position. She is up against YS avinash Reddy, her cousin, who is running for the congress PARTY' target='_blank' title='ysr congress-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>ysr congress Party. sharmila disclosed in her affidavit that she had assets valued at Rs. 182.82 crore. She reported having moveable assets valued at Rs. 45.19 crore in her spouse Anil's name and Rs. 123.26 crore in her own.

There are rumors that sharmila rebelled against her brother after not receiving her fair portion of their father's assets. However, sharmila owed jagan money from her debts. She borrowed Rs. 19.56 crore from Jagan's wife Bharati reddy and Rs. 82.58 crore from her brother YS jagan Mohan Reddy. sharmila owes her brother and sister-in-law a total of around 102 crores. Under sharmila, there are immovable assets valued at Rs. 9.29 crore, while under her husband, they are worth Rs. 4.05 crore. Liabilities attributed to Anil and sharmila are Rs. 35.81 crore and Rs. 82.77 crore, respectively.

Sharmila possesses jewels made of gemstones valued at Rs. 4.61 crores and gold valued at Rs. 3.69 crores. Her spouse has gemstone jewels valued at Rs. 42.6 lakhs and gold jewellery valued at Rs. 81.6 lakhs. sharmila disclosed that she is the subject of eight active criminal prosecutions, one of which involves a Model Code of Conduct violation from the election Commission.

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