26,833 cell phones that had been lost or stolen throughout the previous year were ultimately returned to their respective owners by the telangana State Police. On Saturday, Additional DG (CID) Shikha Goel announced that since the Central Equipment Identity Register (CEIR) portal's introduction a year ago, police departments around the State have been entering information about lost devices into it.
"The State police tracked about 73 stolen or missing cell phones on average every day," Shikha Goel said. All 780 telangana police stations use the CEIR platform, and the CID telangana oversees and keeps an eye on the mobile phone tracing process. The Department of Telecommunications (DoT) created the Central Equipment Identity Registry (CEIR) to prevent the sale of fake mobile phones, discourage cell phone theft, protect consumer rights, and allow law enforcement authorities to lawfully intercept conversations.
In order to facilitate network operators' sharing of banned mobile devices, it links to the international mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) databases of all mobile carriers. This guarantees that, even in the event that the Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) card is switched, blacklisted devices on one network will not be able to function on another network.

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