Severe heat wave will hit 'these' states in India...!?

Dr. naresh Kumar, Senior Scientist, at india Meteorological Center, said that india is currently experiencing heat and it may increase in the next 4-5 days. Dr naresh Kumar, Senior Scientist, india Meteorological Department, said that india is currently experiencing a heatwave and it may increase in the next 4-5 days. The india Meteorological Department (IMD) said that there is a possibility of a heat wave in east India. Also, the india Meteorological Department has predicted that the temperature will increase by one to two degrees Celsius in the Delhi-NCR region. Dr. naresh Kumar, Senior Scientist, india Meteorological Department told ANI about this, “Delhi temperature is estimated to be 38 degrees Celsius in the next 2 to 3 days. Delhi-NCR region is likely to receive rain on tuesday (April 23, 2024) and many parts of east india will touch 44 degrees Celsius in the next 4 to 5 days,” he said.
According to Dr. naresh Kumar, the southern states of Kerala, tamil Nadu, and andhra pradesh are likely to experience hot and humid weather. Many parts of india experienced intense heat on sunday (April 21, 2024). At the same time, many areas recorded maximum temperatures four to six degrees Celsius above normal, he said. It has been raining in a couple of places in tamil Nadu for the past few days. In this case, the Meteorological Department has informed us that it will rain for the next 4 days from today. An atmospheric downward circulation prevails over parts of tamil Nadu. Due to this, light to moderate rain may occur at one or two places in the Western Ghats and adjoining districts today and tomorrow, according to the tamil Nadu weather report.In the IMD report, the maximum temperature was recorded between 42 and 45 degrees Celsius in some parts of odisha and Rayalaseema, West bengal, jharkhand, Vidarbha, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, telangana and Andhra Pradesh. Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, tamil Nadu, Puducherry, and parts of Uttar Pradesh recorded maximum temperatures of 40 to 42 degrees Celsius. A red alert has been issued in West bengal and an orange alert in odisha due to rising temperatures. Apart from this, a yellow alert has been issued for Mumbai. According to the Meteorological Department, 4 to 8 days of heat waves are likely to occur in various parts of the country in April, and generally, one to 3 days of heat waves are likely to occur. The heat wave is expected to last for ten to 20 days throughout April-June, compared to the usual four to eight days.

Heatwave regions:

Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, odisha, andhra pradesh, Madhya Maharashtra, Marathwada, Bihar, and jharkhand are expected to witness heavy heat waves. In some places, the heat wave lasts for more than 20 days. Extreme heat may put pressure on power infrastructure and cause water shortages in parts of India. Global weather organizations including the IMD are also expecting La Nina conditions by the end of the year.

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