The indian Institute of technology campuses are some of the most prestigious educational institutions in the country. Despite their lofty reputations, India's IITs have suffered a startling fall in employment. According to the most recent statistics, just 13,400 of the 21,500 IIT students in the 2024 cohort were placed, with the remaining 8,100 not. This indicates that 38% of IITians were not placed during this year's campaign.
Unemployment in IIT has increased by 100% compared to the previous two years, according to day reports. The global economy and sluggish employment market have had an impact on India's top schools, with the most qualified students unable to find work at their colleges. These data are tied to the 23 IIT outlets around the country, therefore they apply to all universities. This downward tendency is a worrying indicator for everyone engaged.
According to disclosures made under the Right to Information (RTI) Act by IIT kanpur alumni Dheeraj Singh, an astounding 38% of IIT graduates across all 23 campuses are still unemployed. Singh said on LinkedIn that approximately 8,000 students were unable to find placements through campus recruiting this year.
This is a significant increase from two years ago, when the number was about 3,400. The older nine IITs are particularly affected, with 16,400 students enrolled for placements this year and 6,050 (37%) remaining unemployed. The younger 14 IITs are marginally worse off, with 2,040 (40 percent) of 5,100 enrolled students unplaced.


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