Collectors and public representatives were brought together..!!

 Officials and MLAs together.

 Jagan narrowed the gap to public representatives

 Equal respect. YSP government success with equal work.

Collectors who are associated with the government are very few. Because, as much as they know as officials, the collectors behave in a way that those in politics do not know. This increases the gap between the collectors and the leaders. It is a natural process everywhere. However, due to this many difficulties are coming to the districts in getting development schemes and in carrying out development.

The same problem exists across the country. There are also instances where governments have taken note of this and taken many corrective actions. However, although the situation is good in some places, it is noticeable that the situation is not so good in some other places. If we assess the situation in AP, After the jagan government came, the situation has improved somewhat in terms of relations between political leaders and collectors in AP. There are many instances where cm jagan himself intervened and repeatedly told the ministers, and MLAs to smile and listen to their problems patiently. There are seven MLAs including one Member of parliament in the districts governed by a collector at the field level. cm jagan said that everyone should be given equal value and everyone should be respected. 

As a result, there is a different situation in the state. Here, the gap between the collectors and the public representatives has been reduced. Many revisions have come to benefit the people. village Secretariat and Ward Secretariats have come up. This was indeed possible only with the coordination of public representatives and collectors. jagan has been completely successful as cm in achieving this. Collectors and public representatives were brought together. This is Jagan's success.

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