This year, the indian Premier League (IPL) and lok sabha elections coincided, resulting in a one-of-a-kind commercial bonanza from march to May. This uncommon overlap resulted in an increase in ad spending. The IPL season generated significant profits for sponsors and marketers because to record viewership on both tv and wallet PLATFORM' target='_blank' title='digital-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>digital channels, despite low ad prices. tv viewership has already topped the previous season's 505 million viewers. wallet PLATFORM' target='_blank' title='digital-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>digital reach is also expected to eclipse the previous season's 450 million viewers.
Cricket and politics, which are widely followed in India, provided a unique opportunity for companies. The April-June quarter has become a catalyst for numerous marketing channels as a result of the enthusiasm around cricket and politics. IPL is India's largest media property, offering companies with unparalleled reach and exposure.

However, elections have overtaken the IPL in terms of advertising this year, which is not surprising. When the IPL and elections go place concurrently, the need for advertising rises. Both events draw a lot of attention, resulting in increased foot traffic and viewership. Advertisers use this enthusiasm to efficiently reach their target demographic.

Out-of-home advertising became popular because of its capacity to grab top-of-mind awareness. Billboards and other outdoor media provide ongoing brand recall as people walk around. Regardless of whether the IPL or the elections contributed more, the increase in overall advertising income benefitted the sector.

Brands expected a 20-25% rise in advertising spending above average years. During elections, political parties spend around Rs 200-250 crore on outdoor media, which includes billboards and wall murals. The confluence of the IPL and lok sabha elections has resulted in a profitable moment for marketers, with considerable gains in viewership and ad spend.


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