Tollywood superstar Jr. ntr has been a target for the tdp and its pro-party media, sparking discontent among party members. Despite his strong participation with the tdp in the 2009 elections, when he campaigned despite being injured in a car accident, Jr. ntr has mainly distanced himself from politics since then.
However, controversy regarding his absence from occasions such as Mahanadu has renewed speculation about his ties with the Nandamuri family. Speculation abounds regarding plans to sideline Jr. ntr to clear the way for lokesh to succeed him as tdp leader. tdp leader buddha Venkanna's recent comments on Jr. NTR's ties with the party have reinforced these speculations.
Some party members think that only Jr. ntr can effectively lead the tdp after Chandrababu, whilst others support Lokesh's leadership. There are rumors that lokesh may have encouraged buddha venkanna to make similar statements. The argument heats up as some tdp members advocate for Lokesh's presidential nomination.
Many in the party feel Chandrababu and lokesh are afraid of Jr. NTR's probable acceptance by other party members in the near future, therefore they are putting up obstacles between him and the party right now.

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