Right now, prabhas is the only telugu movie star with impeccable planning. He has been producing and releasing films at a rate that is unmatched by any other telugu star. But Jr. ntr is putting up an intriguing schedule for himself, so he may be a competitor immediately.
On september 27, ntr will star in Devara, his first theatrical release in almost 30 months following RRR. Next is war 2, which will be available for purchase on august 15, 2025. With the amount of time that war 2 still has remaining, it should be able to conclude without any delays. Finally, the movie starring Neel is scheduled to open on january 9, 2026. This is where it could get tricky.

It might be necessary for ntr to finish war 2 before seeing Neel's movie. Sincerely, this project might not get off the ground until later in the year. If Neel wants to get the concept to the big screen by january 2026, he will need to work with meticulous precision. While this seems a little unrealistic at the moment, Neel is an effective director. ntr might somewhat make up for his fans' disappointment about just getting one movie between 2018 and 24 (RRR in 2022) if he can indeed release these three films in a period of 15 months.

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