World Vegan Day: History-Importance!!!

Every year on 1 november, World Vegan Day is celebrated all over the world. It is celebrated by all vegetarian people around the world to inspire and make other people aware to follow and adopt a vegetarian lifestyle. World Vegan Day is equally celebrated to promote the benefits of a vegetarian diet and vegetarianism and to make people aware of it.

History of World Vegan Day

World Vegan Day was established in 1994 by Louis Wallis, then president of the United Society, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the organization's founding and the coining of the words Vegan and Veganism. The President of the Vegan Society had decided to celebrate this day on the date of november 1. Recognized on 1 november, the day the vegetarian society was established and the day on which World Vegan Day is celebrated.

Importance of World Vegan Day

Vegetarianism is a lifestyle that is chosen by every person for a healthy body and life. A vegetarian diet has its own benefits for a good and healthy lifestyle.

Many people choose vegetarian life for health benefits and inspired by such people, this (World Vegan Day) is celebrated. World Vegan Day was formed to make more and more people aware of the health benefits of vegetarianism and to promote vegetarianism and it is celebrated on 1 november every year. On this day many local programs, talks and cooking programs are organized to make more and more people aware and to honour those who lead a vegetarian life.

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