As per report you can load up that juicy corn on the cob with butter and other high-calorie toppings. But one plain ear of corn has about 100 calories, similar to an apple. And with nearly 3 grams of fiber per serving, corn can help you feel full longer, so you are less likely to overeat and pack on the pounds. Then there's its resistant starch, a slow to digest type of carbohydrates that is been shown to help with weight control.

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Meanwhile corn is sweet for a vegetable but there are only 6 grams of natural sugar in a medium-size ear of corn. An ear of sweet corn has less than half the sugar of a banana and only about one-third the sugar of an apple. Even beets have more grams of sugar per serving than corn.

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Only a small percentage of sweet corn grown in the U.S. is genetically modified, according to the USDA. Most GMO corn is used in processed foods like corn chips, breakfast cereals, high-fructose corn syrup and corn oil, or turned into livestock feed and ethanol. Moreover if you are concerned, choose USDA-certified organic corn, or ask the vendors at your local farmers' market how their corn is grown. GMO crops are banned under organic standards.

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