What is the time at which the poison starts to work?

For certain individuals, the effects of poisoning are apparent right once, but for others, they take hours, days, or even months to manifest. The risk factor for delayed onset of poisoning symptoms is increased since there is typically a delay in getting the patient to the doctor.

For instance, acetaminophen, the ingredient in Tylenol, is thought to be harmless, but excessive dosages can harm the liver. The slow-acting nature of acetaminophen may cause symptoms to manifest after seven to twelve hours. Lead is the most exemplary late-acting toxin. Lead was added to most paints before 1970. When small children ate paint fragments, their neural systems would deteriorate over several months.

How to determine whether a person has eaten poison

Poisoning symptoms can vary. The pupils in the eyes may enlarge or contract depending on the poison's effect on the body. Certain poisons dry out the mouth and skin, while others make one saliva excessively. While some toxins reduce the heart rate, others cause it to increase.

Following poisoning, a patient may breathe slowly at first or rapidly at other times. Certain toxins hurt, whereas others don't hurt at all. Certain poisons cause the body to move excessively, while others make the body sluggish. With them, mental disorientation is also frequent.

The danger of poisoning is increased if multiple people exhibit the same symptoms and have come into touch with the same object, such as tainted food, water, or the work environment. When multiple poisons enter the body at once, they might combine to produce symptoms that are abnormal for any one of the individual poisons.

Poisoning frequently manifests as vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, stomach discomfort, lethargy, feeling weak or lightheaded, high temperature, chills, loss of appetite, agitation, difficulty swallowing, and shortness of breath. Symptoms include difficulty swallowing, increased salivation, bluish lips and skin, skin rashes, burning around the nose or mouth, double or impaired vision, convulsions, and in extreme cases, coma. It might be confusing to distinguish between poison and other ailments, though, as certain poison symptoms can resemble those of other common illnesses. It's not always the case that poisoning is the cause of these symptoms.

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