What does pasteurization entail? Can this get rid of bird flu?

Heating milk is the process of pasteurization. Louis Pasteur, a French scientist, made the discovery in the 1860s. Since then, it has been employed to get rid of harmful and pathogenic germs that are found in milk. The virus that causes avian flu is likewise eliminated during the pasteurization process. For this reason, medical professionals claim that consuming pasteurized and packaged milk from the market poses no risks. 'Ultra pasteurized' dairy products are available. This involves fast heating the milk—for a few seconds—above the regular pasteurization temperature and rapidly cooling it down. This will prevent milk from going bad for a long period.

What risks come with consuming raw milk?

For some folks, raw milk is preferable. They get a great deal from this. For instance, raw milk tastes nicer and is thicker. Some folks think it's more nutrient-dense and easier to digest. However, the majority of these raw milk claims have been disproven. According to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), lactose intolerance cannot be cured by drinking raw milk. The germs that were present in raw milk may have survived from earlier eras, before pasteurization and thorough cleaning procedures.

Youngsters are most vulnerable to this. Consuming tainted raw milk can result in renal failure and other severe illnesses. Certain disorders, particularly those that affect children, are still incurable when consuming raw milk.

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