
Nuts are also healthy sources of magnesium. That's big, because a diet low in magnesium may contribute to constipation for those who also have a relatively low intake of dietary fiber.

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Caffeine is a stimulant that causes the smooth muscle cells that populate your GI tract to contract, Beyder explains. That's why your first sip of coffee may send you scurrying to the restroom. Caffeine can be mildly dehydrating. If you're already constipated, drinking coffee could make your problem worse. 

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You may still be able to pick up peaches at your local outdoor markets, as opposed to bananas, kiwis, and tropical fruits often contain sugars that are not well absorbed, and so help move waste through your system. 

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Just 10 grapes provide 2.6 grams of fiber,  and popping these as an afternoon snack is an easy way to smooth out your regularity issues.

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