Nehru had to overcome an obstacle...let's know...?

Jawaharlal Nehru faced a problem when a famine struck bengal in 1941. In this, at least 35 lakh people lost their lives. Again, this is just a guess. By growing hospitals and IT, jawahar Lal Nehru advanced India's technological capabilities while simultaneously promoting water. Nehru was insensitive to cultural differences. It's also possible that his education in Cambridge and Harrow made him less aware of indian culture. However, it would be incorrect to hold the british Institute responsible for this, as Aurobindo Ghosh also received his education there and went on to become a fervent advocate of indian culture. Nehru was a better guy than Jinnah and a good man for India.

There is ample proof that jawaharlal nehru established the groundwork for a more robust democracy. But in terms of culture, jawahar Lal Nehru was a failure. He selected these commanders who were going to lose the battle for India's protection because he thought the commanders who were going to win were haughty. Rajputs, Sikhs, and Jats shouldn't lead the army, according to Nehru. india lost the war with china badly as a result of jawahar Lal Nehru's error; the air Force was not deployed.

Did not function for Hindus

Although jawahar Lal Nehru had a major flaw, he was also an expert at something. He found a solution to the bread problem; more than 80% of the work in all the canals that supply water and irrigation facilities was completed by Nehru. Because conflicts like those of Mathura, Kashi, or ayodhya could have been settled between 1947 and 1950, Hindus are struggling in the sphere of culture. However, Nehru left everything unsettled. Everybody thinks in their own way. In general, one may argue that jawahar Lal Nehru opposed communism. For Hindus, Nehru did not work well.

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