The Kashmiris made many sacrifices...

The prime minister is free to pray and worship in any temple. You may accomplish it from close or far away. Nobody ought to object or have any issues with that. When the government has performed well, it has also received praise. According to Ghulam Nabi Azad, there has been a decrease in stone-pelting in Kashmir. It is said that kashmir used to be like this since, according to history, no one can dispute the 20000 members of the main stream party who currently control Kashmir. 20,000 Muslims from kashmir have given their lives in defense of the nation. Every police officer who is sacrificing their life is a native of Kashmir. 

Today, the only people making sacrifices for their country within the wings of the CRPF and the other security forces are Kashmiri Muslims. It is false to imply that Kashmiris had previously shown sympathy for Pakistan. Since all the parties used to battle terrorism jointly in the past as well.

Kashmiris have given their all for this nation in numerous ways. A small number of Kashmiri Muslims resisted the insurgents and stood by their nation in 1947. The indian Army was welcomed in Kashmir. 

It is historical evidence that the people of kashmir have always supported their nation. kashmir has always been a vital component of the nation, regardless of whether it was in china or Pakistan. Even during Ghulam Navi's independence, terrorism was used to oppose the propaganda that certain individuals were spreading. elections are necessary because local residents should have the same rights as those residing in other states or the entire nation. elections should be held in kashmir since it is an essential component of the nation, allowing voters to choose representatives who best represent their interests and ensuring smooth government operations.

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