Under the guise of caa, several parties in community mode...?

After four years, the government has released a notification regarding the citizenship amendment act, or CAA. The entire nation is operating under the provisions of this law. chief minister of delhi arvind kejriwal is against it, referring to it as pakistan and Pakistanis. kejriwal claims that this law is against the nation. It's not beneficial to him. Following this, Pakistani Hindu immigrants also arrived and staged a demonstration close to his official residence. Additionally, caa is assigned a shared color. Some experts, however, refer to it as an oppositional gesture that is intentional. Leading the entire opposition is rahul Gandhi. In delhi, kejriwal is voicing his concerns about this. They are both discussing Pakistan. Thus, caa is now a delicate topic.

According to the opposition, caa targets Muslims.

The opposition questions why Muslim refugees were left out of the caa group. From a legal perspective, the issues raised by these individuals should be examined in light of the requirements included in Articles 40 and 15 of the Constitution. According to Article 15 of the Constitution, discrimination is prohibited on the grounds of race, religion, caste, sex, and place of birth. This is being referred to as beneath justice by some. They are misrepresenting the Constitutional provision and deceiving the public. The administration also discusses under-justice. Why have some persons been excluded in this way under this? These individuals are attempting to recast Modi as a communist as they did before 2014. There is an election plot of sorts here.

Dinesh Kaneria, a Pakistani Hindu cricket player, has released a statement. wherein he expresses his gratitude to amit shah and PM narendra modi for CAA. He claims that enacting this law was a very wise move on the part of his government, but when it comes to Articles 14 and 15, the opposition raises concerns about exclusion. Speaking of the tenets and tenets of the caa, it speaks of integrating all marginalized groups—whether they originate in Afghanistan, pakistan, or any other country—and bringing all exploited people into the fold. The opposition points out the reason Muslims aren't included in it. According to the government's position, Muslims in pakistan or bangladesh are neither a minority nor are they subjected to exploitation because they are a recognized Muslim nation.

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