Understand the strategic significance of Ladakh...

From an environmental perspective as well as a strategic one, Ladakh is crucial for India. Ladakh is where china and india share their border. For many years, china has been monitoring some regions of Ladakh. There have been numerous border skirmishes involving soldiers from both sides during the past 70 years. In an attempt to thwart Chinese incursion, indian soldiers have also sacrificed their lives. Over the past ten years, reports of Chinese incursions have consistently surfaced.

It is known that 3,488 kilometers separate china and India. The boundary between china and india is referred to as the Line of Actual Control (LAC). The Union Territory of Ladakh, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Sikkim, and Arunachal Pradesh all share a border with China. There are three sectors to the boundary between china and India: the eastern, central, and western sectors. Ladakh is in the western sector. china and india are separated by a 1,597-kilometer border in this region. This area has the longest border with china out of the three.

Ladakh is home to Pangong Lake, one of the world's most stunning lakes. It is located in the Himalayan region at a height of above 14,000 feet. The fact that this lake is traversed by the Line of Actual Control may surprise you. A 135-kilometer length of land covering an area greater than 700 square kilometers encircles this lake. india controls the 45 km western portion of this lake. china controls ninety kilometers of that length. Chinese troops have attempted one-third of the infiltrations in the western sector in the vicinity of Pangong Lake.

The Galwan Valley region encompasses Ladakh in india and southern Xinjiang in China. The major hub of the 1962 conflict between china and india was this region. On june 15, 2020, there was a violent altercation between indian and Chinese forces in the same Galwan Valley in eastern Ladakh. One of the most significant military confrontations on the China-India border in the last six decades occurred during this incident.

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