'Diversity' is emphasized in electoral politics...

Politicians who are interested in winning elections want to divide people along regional, religious, and caste lines. If "cultural differences" are the source of the regionalism that is flourishing in South India, then Bihar, a state known for its labor exports, is unable to break free from the caste politics' vicious cycle. Leaders are unwilling to proceed with the reservation policy based on caste. Thus, programs aimed at reducing poverty are unable to give people real assurance. Caste censuses may have significant socioeconomic effects, but they won't be the only thing to reduce unemployment. 

The majority of jobs in our nation are actually produced by small and microscale industries including food processing, building, rural engineering, and the textile industry, but these sectors are still ignored by policymakers because of their indifference. "Backwardness" has evolved into a political anthem for social and political activists. 

It is necessary to further fortify the spirit of "Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat" in such a setting. The political class also incites the North vs. South dispute in an attempt to garner votes. It is okay to criticize the political culture that is dominant in the hindi belt, but using a phrase like "cow urine state" is inappropriate. Through their works, poets and saints have enhanced the sense of national cohesion.

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