Hot Actresses Rakul Preet Singh, Regina Cassandra and Lavnya Tripathi are just having a dream run at Tollywood right now. All these young actresses are having lakh of fans and they have mesmerized everyone with their charm and glamour. Most of the guys drool on them for their hotness and 'Oomph' factor.

Each time, these actress make an appearance on silver screen, they are bitten by rumour bugs and are said to be in a relationship with their co-stars. Now all these three actresses have cleared the air about their relationship and romance life.

Rakul Preet Singh said boys were already scared of her as she always behaves like tomboy. Rakul also said she is not much interested in love and relationships and love is not a priority for her.

Lavanya Tripathi said, she never fell in Love with anyone inside or outside the industry. She also said, even actors are not her friends.

Regina Cassandra spoke on a contrasting note and she said, she had lots of boyfriends in the past and she dumped all of them. She also clarified that she is not in a relationship with Sai Dharam Tej.

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