Shooting of Young Tiger NTR upcoming film “Ramavya Vastavaya” directed by Harish Shankar, is going on at jet speed. The unit had gone to Malaysia few days back to shoot an introduction number and soon after they returned to Hyderabad, a new schedule was begun in Hyderabad.

Currently a fight is being canned in this latest schedule and once it is done, the unit would move to Pollachi for a twenty days schedule. The unit of Ramavya Vastavaya is working hard for the sole reason of releasing the film on time which would mean taking full advantage of the Dussehra festive holidays.

As we know already the makers are planning to release the film on September 27, keeping the festival in mind. Also the festival is a sentiment for producer Dil Raju as he had few successful films released on the festive occasion and this includes a film with NTR too. Hope NTR’s master plan works for Ramavya Vastavaya movie.

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