Goosebumps war episodes, Music, Performances, Editing, Visual effects, Mass, Emotional sequencesGoosebumps war episodes, Music, Performances, Editing, Visual effects, Mass, Emotional sequencesNone really

An year after Thanos snapped to destroy half of the lives and some of the most loved superheroes, the rest of the Avengers, who are still grieving the losses of near and dear ones and members of their team return United, joined by some new members who are together to avenge the losses, in Avengers Endgame. Here's team AP Herald's exclusive first on net Avengers Endgame review.

Following the destructive snap by Thanos, the different Avengers are existing in different scenarios, grieving the past, and now they decide to get back all the stones and avenge the losses by destroying Thanos. They split into teams and also witness the arrival of Captain Marvel and Ant-Man, and whether they were able to get all the stones and revive the past, and destroy Thanos, how many survived the ultimate battle is what the movie is all about.

Robert Downey Jr delivers an emotional performance alongside Chris Evans and Scarlett Johansson and their intense, action packed multi-dimensional performances are sure to evoke tears. Chris Hemsworth contributes to the fun element alongwith Mark Ruffalo, Paul Rudd and Brie Larson, and Josh Brolin delivers a mighty menacing act. The rest of the cast including Don Cheadle, Gwyneth Paltrow give memorable performances as well.  

Alan Silvestri's background score is pulsating and elevates many sequences to a whole new level, while cinematography by Trent Opaloch is top notch capturing all the stunning action and visual richness and CG shots in an extravagant manner. Editing by Jeffrey Ford and Mathew Schmidt is razor sharp with all sequences coherently placed in an entertaining screenplay.

Joe Russo and Anthony Russo are back this time with a tale of solid emotions, love, war, sacrifice, Revenge, bonding and redemption in Avengers Endgame, and the talented duo has delivered an epic in real sense. The first half of the movie moves on a fun note with some entertaining hilarious episodes depicting how life changed for the remaining Avengers post the snap and the second half moves at a breakneck speed and has plenty of goosebumps moments. The emotional moments featuring Tony stark and his family and Black widow and their characters meeting their ending is extremely emotional. The ultimate battle with an epic grand relay episode towards the end is an example of the visionary direction of Russo brothers and the duo deliver in all aspects extracting extraordinary performances from the whole cast and delivering a stunning screenplay filled with all kinds of emotions catering to the masses and classes and Avengers Endgame is an ultimate entertainer that you can not afford to miss at any cost. 

Robert Downey Jr, Scarlett Johansson, Paul Rudd, Chris Hemsworth, Zoe Saldana, Gwyneth Paltrow, Chris Evans, Brie Larson, Josh Brolin, Jeremy Renner, Mark Ruffalo, Bradley CooperDon't miss this grand visual extravaganza with Marvel Superheroes in full form. A must watch masterpiece!

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