Reportedly in 2001, shyam benegal made a fascinating film on the life of a woman called Zubeidaa, and the story was based on the life of writer and filmmaker Khalid Mohamed's mother. It was the story of a young actress who's married off to a prince and then struggles with the suffocation of his second wife.


Meanwhile the role was played beautifully by karisma kapoor, who brought both ferociousness and fragility to an emotionally complex part. It's still hailed as one of her finest performances, and she agrees too. And now as per reports Mohamed is writing a novel called The Imperfect prince and is keen to make Zubeidaa 2. The real news here is that he's keen to cast Karisma and kareena kapoor Khan together.


Moreover a source said, Khalid had written the script of Rutbaa (The Honour) keeping Karisma and Kareena in mind. The sequel will make Karisma appear only in flashbacks as the main character would be Kareena who would be investigating her mother's mysterious death. But as he is very busy writing the script for his next project the sequel to New delhi Times, Khalid hasn't been getting much chance to make that movie, so he is converting the research material into a novel, called The Imperfect Prince. Zubeidaa was shot gorgeously and had a haunting soundtrack by A.R. Rahman. It would be lovely to see the two sisters together in a film, but leveling what Benegal mastered over two decades ago would be an uphill task.

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