Miyan Bade The promotional event for Chote Miyan in lucknow took an unexpected turn when the Uttar Pradesh police had to use lathi charges to subdue the throng. tiger shroff and akshay kumar were in lucknow on monday to promote their forthcoming movie. Not surprisingly, fans flocked to the location in hopes of catching a sight of their idol. But as shown in a YouTube video posted by The Tribune, the event quickly turned sinister. Chappals were thrown into the audience by fans, and there was a near-stampede.

Before deciding to use a lathi charge on the disorderly throng, UP police could be seen attempting to manage the mob in the footage. They put an end to the crowd's misbehaviour and stabilised the situation. tiger and Akshay were well away from the crowd. view the following videos:

A few people were reportedly hurt, according to a Hindustan Times story. police, however, have denied the allegations. The celebs started throwing items to the crowd, and that's when the mob got out of control, according to a PR official who was there.

The PR firm that planned the event, represented by anand Krishna, stated that "fans made a scramble to catch the items that were thrown towards them, which broke the barricades that were supposed to hold them back." "Much ahead of the scheduled time, the actors left the show midway," an organising committee member stated.

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