This blockbuster film of 1977 had earned huge money...

In the 70's many films came back to back which dominated the box office. At that time, a film starring amitabh bachchan, vinod khanna, and rishi kapoor came which not only did wonders at the box office but also made such a place in the hearts of people that even today people take the name of this film. Perhaps you don't know how the makers came up with the idea of the story of this film. We are talking about the film 'Amar Akbar Anthony' which is included in manmohan Desai's blockbuster films. Film lovers must know about how the idea of the film's story came and how much it earned.

Where did the idea of 'Amar Akbar Anthony' come from?

According to a report in Times of India, manmohan Desai had once told that the film 'Amar Akbar Anthony' was not his dream project. He had said that one day he was sitting in his garden reading a newspaper and the news made him think. There was some news from abroad in which a drunkard left three children helpless due to poverty in a park and when he was found when the children grew up, only one child recognized him. With just this number of stories, manmohan Desai called his writer team and asked them to write the entire film in this number of stories. After some time, the story of the film was ready whose name was 'Amar Akbar Anthony'.

Director, Producers, and Cast of 'Amar Akbar Anthony'

The film 'Amar Akbar Anthony' released in the year 1977 was a hindi masala film. The idea of the story of this film was given by manmohan Desai which was completely transformed into a spicy film by kader khan and his team. The film was directed and produced by manmohan Desai. In the film, the father is played by Pran, and the mother is played by Nirupa Rai. At the same time, those three children are taken by a Hindu police officer, a Muslim tailor, and a priest and raised. Among those three main characters, vinod khanna played the role of Amar, rishi kapoor played the role of Akbar and amitabh bachchan played the role of Anthony. All three had become big stars in those days and their three heroines were Shabana Azmi, Neetu Singh, and Parveen Babi.

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