Political abuses; criticism; complaints have become part of assembly. It’s more like a fish market than an assembly commenting people on their characters; personalities. This suspension action against Roja will become a lesson to other MLAs who misbehave in the assembly. Now; after suspension Roja will be treated as a normal Indian citizen denied of protocol; allowance; salary etc.

Roja’s political career was grown up with her rudeness; criticism and voice. She selected these as main weapons for her success. Soon she became a notable per in no time. Very few women behave so in politics who are illiterates. These people were stood as examples for women who want to grow very fast in politics.

She was saved from many situations for being woman. No other politicians have crossed lines like her. At last that thing happened. She was punished for her uncontrolled behavior in assembly. Now this will be repeated in other’s case also who over react and misbehave. But this type of discipline actions should be taken on everyone irrespective of party either sitting or opposition. A rule should be a rule for all impartially.

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