The congress party has been doing whatever it can to keep itself in power even after 2014 elections but the situation is not looking that positive. At the same time, few small issues are now growing to become big and putting the party in danger. This is the situation in Vizianagaram right now.  The issue is about the widening of the narrow railway-over-bridge at the Mayuri Junction in Fort Town. It is heard that despite several pleas from the local people the local congress leaders are putting a deaf ear. Taking advantage of this, the TDP leader Ashok Gajapathi Raju has already started a signature campaign.  Due to the non-widening there is a severe traffic congestion happening at the Vizag-Vizianagaram-Raipur highway and it has become a daily menace to the local people. The talk from those areas is that this lethargy towards RoB issue will prove costly for congress in the coming elections.

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