New Delhi sources have made a statement that Lieutenant governor Anil Baijal has shot off a letter to chief minister Arvind Kerjiwal, countering the latter's claim that the elected government was not kept in the loop over work done on removing traffic bottlenecks. The governor while appreciating the "full cooperation" offered by the CM to solve the problem, and urban development minister Satyendar Jain to drive home the point that the AAP government was not only kept informed but was also part of the process.

Previously chief minister Kejriwal had written to Baijal, saying that he was entirely unaware that the latter had taken up the matter of traffic congestion in Delhi and was working with bureaucrats to address the situation.

Image result for Traffic Congestion in Delhi, Kejriwal works with bureaucrats

The statement further said the chief secretary had convened a meeting on May 3 wherein five pilot corridors were identified and an action plan was laid out for each of these. The Governor also informed that the minister for UD/PWD not only attended this meeting but also gave useful suggestions.

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