Warangal Around five TSRTC buses parked at Depot-1 of the district caught fire and turned to ashes. Reports added the incident occurred in wee hours of Thursday. No casualties have been reported. Meanwhile it is learnt that the reason for the fire was a short circuit and on learning about the incident, Telangana Transport minister Mahendar Reddy ordered an immediate probe into the matter and he also requested the officials to be alert and prevent them from occurring in future.

According to report the five buses were completely gutted before the arrival of fire tenders and the estimated loss is yet to be ascertained. Earlier a few months ago, a luxury TSRTC bus caught fire with 32 passengers on board near Aler village of Warangal district. Moreover the reason for that mishap too was said to be short circuit.

Image result for 5 Buses parked at Warangal depot completely gutted

Further the bus conductor who noticed the smoke billowing from the rear end of the bus alerted the passengers who got off the bus safely and the loss was estimated to be Rs 50 lakhs. However, the bus staff was appreciated for alerting passengers on time and saving them.

Image result for 5 Buses parked at Warangal depot completely gutted

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