YSRC president YS Jagasnmohan Reddy  has commenced  damage control exercise  to retain  Telagnana leaders from  bleaving the party and also to counter  the  falsehood and bitter  campaign by the congress -TDP  junta  on YSRC in Seemandhra .

 After the Konda Surekha and Mahender Reddy exit and back into  Congrerss , the YSRC leadership  decided that they should also play the sme game as TDP and congress. 'We are for  united  AP  but also for  Telangana is  living together after  50 years of  wedding is now impossible 'said a YSRC  leader comparing the bifurcation  to a  divorce by a aged couple after two generations of sibling

 YSRC will strive to fulful the commitments made by YSR  to people of Telangana like  irrigtion projects, education, health and housing schemes .' Both Kiran and TDP government had  treated Telangana  people as  second citizaens ', Jagan  reiterated  his commitment to Telangana  people  sources  said.  So Jagan has sent feelers to Telangana YSRC leaders  to learn from Congress and  TDP on how they were politically manouvering  the  situation  and not to be emotionally driven but think and act  with political maturit.' YSR  is an unquestioned and most respected leader in both Telangana and Seemandhra . Our next program willbe launched fromChevella ' Jagan aide says.

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