india NATIONAL CONGRESS' target='_blank' title='congress-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>congress leader rahul gandhi said the country will have to pay a heavy price for the government's inability to act decisively on curbing coronavirus. He said "Quick aggressive action is the answer to tackling the #Coronavirus. india is going to pay an extremely heavy price for our government's inability to act decisively," he said


gandhi has been critical of the narendra Modi-led central government in tackling the coronavirus outbreak in the country. According to health officials, the total number of novel coronavirus cases in the country rose to 147 with 10 fresh cases reported from various parts of the country. The cases include 25 foreign nationals and the three persons who died in delhi, karnataka and maharashtra, officials. army, Navy and the indian air Force as well as employees of the defence ministry have decided to donate one day's salary totalling around Rs 500 crore to the relief fund announced by prime minister narendra modi to help fight the coronavirus outbreak in the country.


Separately, Defence minister rajnath singh announced that he will donate one month''s salary to the fund. On saturday, modi announced setting up of the Prime Ministerâs Citizen Assistance and Relief in Emergency Situations Fund (PM-CARES) to deal with the coronavirus pandemic. A number of union ministers, private entities, industrialists and government organisations have responded to the prime minister's announcement and contributed to the fund. So far, india has recorded a total of 979 positive cases of coronavirus and 25 deaths.

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