Is Union Minster Piyush Goel rushing to Hyderabad  by Central government. The answer may be yes, if reports are believed which are
now appearing in the media. Sources  say that Modi government has received some disturbing reports about law & order situation in
Hyderabad which may go out of control anytime.

Narsimhan unable to achieve

Hence the emergency but again it is clueless whether this is being taken up as a final resort or whether the centre has already swung
into action with Narsimhan unable to achieve any breakthrough. One has to see how the situation may unfold in the next one to two days while
today also may be crucial if media reports are taken into account.

It is already known that Piyush Goel visited Hyderabad two weeks ago when it was speculated that he might strike a compromise soon enough.
But there was again no updates after that while Naidu, Jagan and Governor rushed to Delhi meeting who’s who of NDA Government including
president Pranab Mukherjee.

 AP bifurcation

With Goel now planning to land in Hyderabad any moment to negotiate with two chief ministers, sources say that this shows Centre’s resolve
to ensure situation doesn’t go out of hand. The compromise may be toning down of rhetoric against Babu in exchange for silence on
Section 8 of AP bifurcation act .

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