Accordingly Dr. Mohan Yadav government has made preparations on a large scale for the Investor Summit organized in Ujjain. Any industrialist who expresses his desire to set up an industry will be immediately provided with all the basic facilities including land, electricity and water. It is expected that Bhoomi Pujan of more than two dozen industries will be done immediately.

Meanwhile on the instructions of chief minister Dr. Mohan Yadav, a two-day investor summit is being organized in Ujjain. ujjain Collector neeraj kumar singh said that industrialists from many nearby states including madhya pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Chhattisgarh, rajasthan are participating in this investor summit. Coming to ujjain to participate in. He told that the aim of the government this time is to establish industries directly. For this reason, the government will present its action plan among the industrialists along with all the basic facilities including land. After this, the bhoomi pujan of the industry will be done as soon as the green signal is received from the industrialists. According to the Collector, there is a possibility that after this investor summit, more than two dozen industries will be established within a short time.

Moreover IAS ashish Pathak, who was part of the organizing committee, said that this time the government is completely focusing on the film industry and religious tourism. Thousands of people can be provided employment through religious tourism and film industry. There is also a lot of potential for madhya pradesh film industry. The government has also invited businessmen associated with the film industry to the Investor Summit. Even before the government investor submission, it has been accepted that due to wrong policies and lack of change in machines, the back of old industries broke. There was a time when there were big industries of soybean oil and clothes in the religious capital ujjain, which provided employment to thousands of people, but due to policies and not making changes in the old machines, the product started becoming expensive and gradually industries were closed.

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