Asaduddin Owaisi's political career cannot take off overnight...

Asaduddin Owaisi hasn't stopped talking about Mukhtar Ansari's passing. Making his death a matter of public concern, he wants to use it as an opportunity to assume a new role and provide 'Muslim politics' nationwide with fresh leadership. This leadership, of course, will be his. In the most recent elections, he and his party gained five seats from Seemanchal in Bihar, where they are also quite active. In order to establish himself as a distinct party and the national leader of Muslims, he hopes to carry out a similar operation in Uttar Pradesh.

Owaisi is running behind schedule.

Perhaps Owaisi has missed the bus given the current situation, that is, the political climate. There are now just 17 days remaining till the first voting round. Any new equation of Owaisi will be unique because of the kind of atmosphere that exists there, the public's attitude toward the elections, the kinds of equations that have been constructed, and the kinds of minds that the voters have created, particularly in Purvanchal. They don't appear to offer. 

Purvanchal's environment differs from Seemanchal, Bihar. During the 2017 assembly elections, I posed afzal ansari with precisely this same issue. At the time, I had raised the same concern that Muslims were still voting for secular parties, splitting votes, and without a party of their own. Clearly, the question of whether Muslims ought to form their own party was posed to him.

This is significant since Asaduddin met Mukhtar's family at the same residence of afzal ansari, after which he composed the poem on X. afzal ansari had stated that there are more Muslim parties in this nation than any other community in response to my inquiry. Since Muslims are the most secular of all people, they do not value any such party or leader. He had stated unequivocally that Owaisi is a brilliant fundamentalist, and he is one to show off, but on the inside he is a contractor who works for the BJP's sake, thus he is not entitled to any special treatment. This is the 2017 on-record declaration made by Afzal Ansari.

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