There is a limit to patience! How long do you delay the Vanniyar reservation? Ramadas is excited!

Patience has a limit. If the reservation is to be overcome by the border, the proletariat is ready.

Ramadas has said that this is the best example of the fact that the DMK's true face of social justice is social injustice. In this regard, Ramadas founder Ramadas, the founder of the Bamaka, said: In the 20% reservation for the most backward classes in tamil Nadu, the tamil Nadu Backward Corps Commission is the first deadline for the tamil Nadu Backward Commission to recommend 10.50% internal reservation. Thereafter, the 6-month-old period extended twice ends today. However, it is condemned that the tamil Nadu government has not taken any action to provide reservation to the Vanniyas.

As the supreme court ruled on 31.03.2022 that the Vanni could be reserved, the tamil Nadu government could have been reserved in the next two weeks. However, the Backward Commission was set up on november 17, 9 months later. Two months later, on 12.01.2023, the tamil Nadu Backward Commission was ordered to recommend the Vanniyar internal reservation. Accordingly, the Commission should have been recommended within 3 months, ie, april 11 last year. But thereafter, the deadline has been extended twice; The extended deadline has been completed today. Overall, the Commission has not done anything for 15 months; The tamil Nadu government did not provide the data heard by the Commission.

It is not difficult to examine the data on 20% reservation for the most backward classes and recommend the reservation for the Vanni. It is a task that will end in a few weeks. However, the DMK government does not want to provide reservations for the Vanni. This is the best example of the fact that the true face of the DMK, which is playing social justice, is social injustice.

The DMK government cannot delay the provision of reservations for the Vanni. Patience has a limit. If the reservation is to be overcome by the border, the proletariat is ready. Realizing this, Ramadas urged the tamil Nadu government to take immediate steps to provide the reservation for the Vanni.

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