The next 48 hours .. attack on israel .. Iran's sketch.

It is reported that iran is likely to launch a direct attack on israel over the next 48 hours. The Wall Street Journal has reported that iran can launch a direct attack on israel within 48 hours of the deadly attack on its embassy in Damascus. It is reported that iran is likely to launch a direct attack on israel over the next 48 hours. Wall Street Journal on Friday, quoting a person explained by the Iranian leadership.

The conflict with Israel's old enemy, iran, is back at war with Hamas in Gaza. The person quoted by The Wall Street Journal said iran still weighs the political risks of a direct attack on Israel. “Iran's supreme Leader Ayatullah ali Gameni has said that the strike plans are in front of the supreme Leader and that he is still weighing political danger.

It is noteworthy that iran pledged to avenge the killing of Iran's top general and six military officers during its consultation in Syria's Damascus. iran blamed israel for the attack. At the same time, it is also seen that the Jewish government has not publicly agreed to its role in the attack.

On april 1, Israeli warplanes attacked the iran embassy in Damascus and reportedly killed Iran's top military commander and six officers. Mohammed Reza Jaheedi, an Iranian Revolutionary Guard force, was killed in an attack that demolished the Iranian embassy in the Syrian capital.

The united states acknowledged the danger of the immediate attack on israel and issued travel advice for Americans in the Jewish country. Following the attack on its embassy, iran promised to retaliate to the Israeli attack but would avoid a major expansion of the Israeli-Hamas war.

After the attack, israel must be punished and it will happen, said Iranian supreme Leader Ayatullah ali Gameni. Since the attack on the Iranian -backed Hamas on october 7, the Israeli attack has led to an Israeli attack in the Gaza region. Lebanon's Iranian -backed Hezbollah fighters and Iran's Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) can be said to have increased air strikes on syria against Syria

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